Decay can be seen in each and every American city. Businesses that were open for decades are closed. Graffiti adorns them, schools, warehouses, office buildings, bridges every conventional structure can be see worn down and not maintained. Crime is rampant where I live in Chicago, Illinois there are shootings daily. People simple don't have the social services that saturated urban areas during the late 70s and 80s they either gone or stripped of their funding leaving them ineffectual. I wrote all of the previous information to say that will be distant memory in five years. It will because technology will create jobs, derelict structures will be transformed into miracles, and crime will have no where to hide.
America has had several points in its history where we went bankrupt and crime was rampant. As bad as times seemed then America just tried some
new things and came back better than ever. America missteps around issues of race, economics, and religion and just like the rest of human history it has fumble the ball regarding those issues at time.
So how the will America bounce back? First technology is about to create a large job boom! That's a broad statement I know but if I outlined the way in which technology was going to play its part in job creation I would be tipping my hand way too much for a blog sorry, I will give you a hint and it lies in quantum physics.
There is a lot of mess and garbage in the form of buildings that are abandoned in every city and town in America sans mega rich areas. However people have always just demolished structures or renovated them. What if both were to come creating highways, subways, or mega malls. What if they could well you get the idea.
Crime is everywhere people feel unsafe. Crime will soon be solved quickly and captured via any electronic device. The drop on major crime will be so rapid that every will want the kudos. When really the makers of the camera phone should get all the credit.
There you have it that's my reasons The United States of America will bounce back before you even know it. The rest of the world will follow our lead and we all will say back in my day it took me ten minutes to walk to school and our grand kids will say, "what's school"? -thegqlife