Sunday, November 10, 2013

Television's Scandal has a Wonder Woman in its mitts

So I am watching Olivia Pope do her thing. What is her thing? Her thing is the utter command of any situation whether it be someone else's or her own. It dawned on me we have never had a woman like this on television before. Most heroines on television are either scapegoats for emotional sarcasm or victims. Miss Pope however is Wonder Woman strong. Yes Hollywood that is a hint, cast Kerry Washington as Wonder Woman. I dig how she can flip situations and all of this is her own business with created and thrives in.  Teaching everyone who watches the old age adage, "if your good at something get paid for it". Scandal to me is about true women empowerment that happens through sex and politics. So I am digging Scandal and again I implore Hollywood to cast her as Wonder Woman since it didn't have the guts to cast Iris Elba as Batman. Do that and we can call it even, besides who is better to fight alongside Batman and Superman than Olivia Pope. I'm just saying. -thegqlife

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