Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Videogame designers have gotten lazy as ###%

Here I come to save the day again, aiming down the sights with a click of L1 or pushing in R3. Explosions abound then the mandatory controversial scene or two later and which will tie in to a geopolitical conflict that has yet to happen that will make "illuminati" conspiracy theorists say, "see man they are using the games to show their plans man!".  If this sounds fun to you, you are easily impressed by trite story and even worse Videogame design.
Videogames have hit a wall, the technology is there but do the designers use it? Some do like Hideo Kojima who has piloted the Metal Gear Solid series for the last 25 years into an epic so grandiose in scope and scale they casted Kiefer Sutherland as the new voice actor lead to add a new layer of depth. Other game designers are just lazy as ###% now. Grand Theft Auto 5 is a great game cool story I love to switch around characters and run from the cops. I noticed something because I was a programmer before I got all political and changed my major. These ############% at Rockstar games took all stuff they creates for their other games combined that #### and re-did the visuals and package that #### as a new game? Unacceptable if you love videogames like I do you know this trend is the norm now. Stop being lazy game designers before you get put out of business. I happen to know for a fact that there is some mind blowing things coming to the gaming world in about 1 year. Get your life together on that front game designers or no one will buy your games anymore when the true next generation starts. 


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