Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Raise your hand if after hearing Kanye West you heed the call to do your ##########ing THANG!!!!

Kanye West has been all over the radio talking about his ambition. He wants to not just play in the sandbox he wants to own and build and not even call it a sandbox! Oh blasphemy! Heretic! How dare he!

What people don't get is that he takes on defying convention is really challenging people to obliterate all barriers and carve out new paths. Too many people have said that Mr. West is too arrogant. Sorry he isn't, sorry you must not know what the definition of arrogant is. The definition of arrogant is: "an exaggerated sense of importance". Is he exaggerating saying he is the dope rapper that influences not just music but fashion, film, and other forms of entertainment? No he isn't. Just heed this call if you have it in you! 
Kanye West is just speaking to those who know that their destiny lies in a world that has not been yet lived in. Say what you will but I know "Jesus Walks" take from that what you will.-thegqlife

Monday, November 25, 2013

Best Man Holiday- the "unmarried man review"

The lights go down and here we go! Best Man Holiday starring Taye Diggs, Sana Latham, Morris Chestnut and a host of others. Set years later, (Lordy their kids are like ten in this movie shows what has happen to these twenties somethings that are now late thirties somethings. The movie focus to me was on of how life just kind of moves along and how some people in your life have the same motivations but might not be getting the same results that they thought would happen. That's life though right. In the movie we see how Taye Digg's character is struggling for his next big book and try's to go and do an autobiography about his NFL star friend,(Morris Cheatnut). Hilarity and drama ensues as one of the main characters has an major issue that I won't spoil. It was a great movies one that is an instant classic. I had a warm feeling watching this movie. I say many of my wonderful friends in this movie.

I was convinced I may have more in common with a certain character than I'd like to admit. 

Go see this movie with your crew that you have known for a lifetime or at least 5 years and tell me the nostalgia and memories won't flow. This movie made me realize marriage seems to be about managing the changes life brings and depending on those in your life to bring you through it. -thegqlife 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Texting/Email has people arguing over ....... Everybody has their on language

Lets play a game. Raise your hand if you can write and read. Ok now raise your
hand if you never made a spelling or grammar error. Oh I see no hands up! So why do people love to point out errors like that, I know people think that denotes intelligence. It doesn't, it denotes your an #######. Americans have tricked themselves into believing that they are working so hard. The reality is that the way people misconstrues emails keeps everyone in a endless loop of,"what did you mean"! Nothing really gets done. Also if I had a dollar for every person that was either pissed, sad, or manic from a text message I've sent I would have enough to get that Ferrari I always wanted. 

Text messages for one thing aren't always delivered or in the sequence you send them in. However people for some reason decipher texts messages with an arcane language only they understand. People communicate a lot but they communicate kinda how they think words should be, yet they are confused when someone doesn't get them or they think they are grammatically challenged. Get over that stuff you sound like a jerk correcting a text message. I tend to text like Yoda from Star Wars because in my head I thought people get that, for example: "The Chicago Bears got their teeth kicked in they did". Yes I know the rules but the technology that is made available to us lets us make our own rules regarding texts/emails. So chill out you don't prove how smart you are by correcting people because you might not even get what they meant. You might think you do but you probably don't. If your unsure just pick up the phone that technology still exists you know.-thegqlife 

American Horror Story: Coven, when the acting so good they must be using magic

When I watched American Horror Story these past 3 seasons I have throughly enjoyed it. The depths to which the mayhem and unexpected twists and turns are really interesting. However this season with the addition of the new cast it has gotten downright frightening how good this show has become. Case in point the first time Jessica Lange's character and Angela Bassett meet in a hair salon is a thing of majeasitc beauty to watch. By the time Jessica Lange invokes the phrase, "black dont crack". I was in awe go watch this show if your waiting for your others to return for the holiday break. You want be disappointed if you want to see real magic.-thegqlife

Vegan and chemical oh and cloudy with a chance of meatballs got it right and other rants

People are hilarious when they eat really "healthily". Why you ask? You might be saying how is that funny I am a vegan what is funny about that? Will last I check all our food comes from the Earth. With that being known there is no way to avoid the many man made toxins that are put into food. If you don't want to eat meat for beliefs I feel you. I tend to think every zombie apocalyptic scenario would be solved if people on those television shows would go vegan. However what do you do about the glorious taste of cheese or the succulent taste of a steak. I say the movie "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" got it right that and was right on the nose "Star Trek the Next Generation". If we could replicate any food we wanted in a instant wouldn't that technically be vegan still? I mean no animal product was used then wouldn't that mean everyone who was vegan could eat whatever they wanted? Hey I did say this was a blog with and other rants. Food for thought would really be live then. I think that last sentence was so corny people will figure out I was born in Southfield, Michigan instead of Detroit. -thegqlife  

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Television's Scandal has a Wonder Woman in its mitts

So I am watching Olivia Pope do her thing. What is her thing? Her thing is the utter command of any situation whether it be someone else's or her own. It dawned on me we have never had a woman like this on television before. Most heroines on television are either scapegoats for emotional sarcasm or victims. Miss Pope however is Wonder Woman strong. Yes Hollywood that is a hint, cast Kerry Washington as Wonder Woman. I dig how she can flip situations and all of this is her own business with created and thrives in.  Teaching everyone who watches the old age adage, "if your good at something get paid for it". Scandal to me is about true women empowerment that happens through sex and politics. So I am digging Scandal and again I implore Hollywood to cast her as Wonder Woman since it didn't have the guts to cast Iris Elba as Batman. Do that and we can call it even, besides who is better to fight alongside Batman and Superman than Olivia Pope. I'm just saying. -thegqlife

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Didn't you get loose enough?

I spent my freshman and sophomore year in Miami, Florida. I went to the number #1 party school in the nation after that. Then I went ham a few years in Detroit then New Orleans then Chicago. So I am done with getting crazy and partying the question is why aren't many people done with that, I mean didn't you get loose enough? Sike!!!! You can never get to loose. Always go nuts whenever you can afford to being a stick in the mud at any age is wacklicious! -thegqlife

Friday, November 8, 2013

Not married and Im over 30, Oh ####

My 30th birthday was spent at work, managing the final piece of a collaborative effort. I was in bed by 7pm, besides my co-workers getting me "Watch the throne" the new Jay Z/Kanye West album and going to Mexico a couple of days later it was a tad boring. Then it hit me I am still not married, oh #### I thought. How come? Why? Most of my boys refer to me as the "runaway groom", as I have been close to being married, not that I sent out invitations for a wedding but I have picked out colors and some of the crazy #### women expect you to want to do when planning a wedding but that I find insane. So why am I not married? Am I scared? Do I want to just be alone? All of those questions I ask myself and say no!  The only thing I am scared of is the moon crashing into the earth. I have dated some spectacular women, many of them are married or are about to be, so if it wasn't the women it's me right? ###% no it isn't me.  I just don't want to settle and despite dating awesome and fabulous women they just were not for me they were for someone not me though. I feel as though society has made me jaded to the prospect of getting married just because I am a certain age, I want to get married but it has to be all meant to be I guess. However being over 30 I feel the clock ticking and there is an unspoken pressure from my awesome mother as well. I know men and women get all freaked out as soon as the bell tolls 30. Don't be, it's fine better to be freaked out than pissed you married the wrong person. I am a believer that if it is meant to be it will be. If your over 30 and are saying "oh ####" like I did 3 years chill out your good this is how your life is supposed to play out. Just be happy with  the way your life is and the right person will come along. I think.... -thegqlife 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Marshall Mathers LP2 Review by a Homegrown Detroit Product

It has been a minute sense Eminem dropped the Marshall Mathers Lp. It was the year 2000. After 13 years he is back with a sequel of sorts. This album has a sort of undefined edge. He is still "Em" but this microphone controller has years of history to rap against and that is what he is doing here. Trying to connect with today's hip-hop heads as he spits on the track Rhyme or Reason, "with great power comes no responsibility" and that he is "angrier than all 8 other reindeer put together with Chief Keef".  

I recommend this album if you are into rap music. However if your looking for a direct sequel that will tie directly to the first Marshall Mathers Lp you will miss the point of his journey. The journey that we all are on if you live long enough is that you will evolve. He even apologizes to his mom on the track "Headlights", saying he "cringes" everytime he hears "Cleanin' out my closet". Well done way to still spit from the heart. I am giving Em 5 out of 5 what up does!- thegqlife

Videogame designers have gotten lazy as ###%

Here I come to save the day again, aiming down the sights with a click of L1 or pushing in R3. Explosions abound then the mandatory controversial scene or two later and which will tie in to a geopolitical conflict that has yet to happen that will make "illuminati" conspiracy theorists say, "see man they are using the games to show their plans man!".  If this sounds fun to you, you are easily impressed by trite story and even worse Videogame design.
Videogames have hit a wall, the technology is there but do the designers use it? Some do like Hideo Kojima who has piloted the Metal Gear Solid series for the last 25 years into an epic so grandiose in scope and scale they casted Kiefer Sutherland as the new voice actor lead to add a new layer of depth. Other game designers are just lazy as ###% now. Grand Theft Auto 5 is a great game cool story I love to switch around characters and run from the cops. I noticed something because I was a programmer before I got all political and changed my major. These ############% at Rockstar games took all stuff they creates for their other games combined that #### and re-did the visuals and package that #### as a new game? Unacceptable if you love videogames like I do you know this trend is the norm now. Stop being lazy game designers before you get put out of business. I happen to know for a fact that there is some mind blowing things coming to the gaming world in about 1 year. Get your life together on that front game designers or no one will buy your games anymore when the true next generation starts. 


Friday, November 1, 2013

Lebron James must play in the NFL as Optimus Prime to combat Calvin Johnson's Megatron

Imagine this, Lebron wins a 4th Championship, he signs a long term deal with the Miami Heat small story until he announces he will enter the 2014 NFL Supplemental Draft. With the first pick in the draft the North Carolina Panthers select Lebron James only "Athlete" appears by his position in the preseason presses. James jokingly says in the first press conference that they should just refer to him as "Optimus Prime". James would be excellent as a wide receiver, tight end, quarterback, or defensive back. He will dominate in the open field and challenge for a touchdown all the time. It would supercharge the NFL and the NBA as James joggles the team's schedule. I know the strong hater in many of you only can see people doing one thing excellent. That is so backwards the year 1990 thinking. 

Lebron would be the perfect spoil to the Detroit Lions's wide receiver Calvin Johnson. Megatron can't go unchecked in our universe. Even if he has taken the form of a 6'6 metal man with Bugatti speed. So suit Lebron I know you want to... -thegqlife